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Keyword divine law

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1525Luther's 'Admonition to the Printers' (Germany)
1545* Luther's 'Warning to the Printers' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1591A publisher's 'Friendly Reminder' about reprints (Germany)
1663L'Estrange's Considerations and Proposals (United Kingdom)
1690* Locke's Second Treatise on Government (selected extracts) (United Kingdom) Commentary: [1]
1738* Thurneysen: On the Illicit Reprinting of Books (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1740* Encyclopaedia Article on 'The Reprinting of Books' (Germany) Commentary: [1]
1826* Minutes of the 1825-1826 Commission (France)
1834* Balzac's letter to authors (France)
1841* Report of Lamartine and parliamentary debates on literary property (France)
1859* Casado's PhD on Copyright (Spain)
1868* Proudhon: 'Les Majorats littéraires' (France)